i just rented "romeo and juliette" from our school library. i really, really want to read it... but as i sat down in the sun, with the book between my hands, i could not concentrate, i had no interest. i so badly want to stop reading pointless novels and enter into this world of inlightnment and boks with oppinions, i really want to be deep. deep deep deep. i want oppinions on things, i want to understand the world better, and i want to weave clever phrases in between my words, be somone with something to say.
as i read my latest issue of elle, i fell over an interveiw with some designer (i couldnt care less about the designer, but his/her witty answers were rather intriuging) here, i asked myself one of the questions demanded of the designer: what do you find hardest to forgive?
after a while, the answer came to me: unscencerity. when people dont mean what they do, and their actions don't matter to themselves. i think i will respect any action as long as people really meant it. as i explained to my english table: i, in theory, wouldnt be mad if somebody hurt me, as long as they really meant to hurt me, and were sure this was what they wanted.
the thing is: i dont know what i want, i am scared that i am not scenciere enough in what i do, for that is what i admire the most.
so i will return to my "romeo and juliette" and books on poetry, and do my homework, maybe.
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