celebrating three bloggers!! pretty amazing, thanks guys, you make me feel loved :D
... oh and im planning my summer, which i decided is going to be amazing.. oh, and im staying in zambia, against all odds. im more sad about it than i thought.. crist, i dont get sad about things like that... i barely get sad, i have nothing to be sad about. im one of those rare people that just genuinly has a great life. like nothing bad ever happened to me.. so i never get sad. so when i am, its pretty genuine. thats why im writing all this crap right now, im not myself. but it all depends how i look at it.. ill get to continue my unreal exsistance down here..
so the point is, i need a fucking amazing summer to cheer me up. ill talk about that.. it makes me happier:
-There is the plane trip there.. which is the best because i can watch movies, do nothing but sit around, and i have the whole holiday in front of me.
-wer going to london first.. just the thought of it makes me happy. its my favorite place.
-then france i think.. or some other place in britain. donno. but itll be good no matter what.
-then of course DK... for a long time.
-and my lovely summer cottage. emma and amanda are visiting me there.. well have a great time :D
then IB.
On the Beat 2011 Full Movie
8 years ago