She glided across the stage. Every movement was like that of a thought. In the imagination, anything is possible. It was as if she had leaped out of your mind, and landed on the stage with a graceful thump. The way she twirled looked more like a dream than something which could possibly take place in reality.
Yet, there was something so humane about her. The yellow lights from above fell across her - creating shadows of her bones, illuminating her strength. Her delicate arms stretching over her sparkling dress.
She wondered alone, the girl in white.
They were in love. Young and free, leaping across the scene. Red flaring around them as they giggled and teased, forever lay ahead.
She approached him when he was alone, the girl in white, away from his love for that instant. Beauty lit up her face, temptation drew him in. They circled each other in graceful leaps, but he was already in love.
Blue indulged them as they glided across their cold world. They were each others - together they faced blizzards.
She, the white, surrounded him like an igloo from the howling storms. Whispering for him to stay.
But he was doing so fine in the winds - the blue boy, he had the blue girl.
Green of jealousy, hatred and temper, they fought. Their voices raised, frowns set, as they thumped over the scene. But for however long, their rows were never forever. In green fields of harmony they still ran along. hand in hand, together.
"please love me" she shouted in her white dress. he turned and smiled, but spun back again. "I already do love", he explained.
She was beautiful. She was made for love. But in this story, she would never find it.
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