I like the idea of being different. I admire those who abandon all hopes of normality, and settle, simply, with doing exactly what suits them, never minding, or even thinking about being judged, simply going right against the stream of what you just do, and what you just don’t.
T hese people don’t even do it deliberately, they don’t intend to raise questions about traditions and ideas, they just do.
The good thing about being different like this is that you become an extremely good problem-solver, with your so unusual take on the world, your solutions will be miles on the wrong side of common people’s mental border’s of where they would, and where they would never dream of, letting their thoughts wonder freely. However, these solutions tend to work incredibly! If they didn’t, these miracle people wouldn’t be doing them, would they?... they know what works best and what doesn’t… none of us do, because we have set up a fence in our mind and told our thoughts very firmly where they can and can not go. As a result, I don’t think we know neither our selves, not the best solution very well.
So from now on, lets all kick down these “fences” and start being a bit inventive when solving our problems?
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