Friday, November 13, 2009

i wanda wanda wanda...

so my daddy is finnishing his job here in Zambia at the end of this year - meaning well be leaving. in general, im fucking excited to go somewhere new, preferably some where civilised!right now going for a random walk all by my self seems like a part of a very perfect life.
currently, my dad is applying for something in washington D.C. how long does it take for traditions to develop? nevertheless, my dad can only apply for so many jobs, but for every one he does, my tradition has come to consist of: primarily looking up possible schools in the specified town, followed by a google search on the towns night clubs.
this tradition has lead me to a discovery: busboys and poets. to me, its a heaven on earth, a magnet pulling my pulling my sole of love and admiration towards the one place i least look up to, the USA. (pleace dont be offended, i know a fuck load of wonderful American people - i just also happen to know quite a few who arnt exactly that wonderful,,, and just seem really weird...??)

any how, i think im spending a good portion of my time contemplating my "next life" my "new beginning"... its the best.

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