today, i raided the art room!! i found the most amazing things, im so happy, :) i feel like a real artist.
i found: seriously delicious fat black pens (that i snatched like a box of), these manga drawing and shading pens that are amazing and i dont even know how to use them, colouring pencils without the wood - so they look really pretty and you dont have to sharpen them and they make beautiful colours, two sets of water based colours (my very favorite type of painting, a lovely black pencil that writes really softly and nicely, these amazing erasers that are basically like that blue-tack stuff you use to stick things on the walls so you can bend and play with them and stuff and i dont understand why everybody doesn't use them because they are like the best erasers in the world and finally, this thing that smudges pencil drawings really nicely. i basically spent the whole art lesson in the store room. i was gonna take these pens that draw on clothes as well, but there was only one pack - and i was getting kinda greedy, but to be honest, i think im gonna go back and get another set of those woodless colours. no matter if i want to or not i become incredibly greedy in these kinda situations - but that leads me to my next point...
im not stealing any of these things, im just using them. im giving them a home with me where they are appreciated and addored like jewlery, itsnt that much better than having them crowd the art shelves where nobody will end up really using them? besides i need them, im saving money on christmas presents this year and making paintings for my family, it will be fun and they will like it much more than my previous attempts at buying them some random things (they didnt even pretend to use what ever i bought them last year), and that way there is more money for nice presents to my friends and myself :)
im planning on buying as much second hand clothes as i can fit in my suitcase, i adore second hand things soo much! beats new clothes by far. hmm...ill also buy:
lots of fruits and vegetables and stuff because thats all i eat and ill be staying with friends mostly so ill need to supply myself with food,
papers to do my drawings on
bags and shoes (also from second hand stores)
ohh and maybe ill treat myself to a pair of incredibly ripped jeans from H&M, although id be so much cooler if i ripped them myself, but thats so hard apparently
and a dream catcher if i can find one.. but it can wait,
and i really should buy new underwear... im so bad at it, it seems so pointless hidden under all your clothes..
and these are on top of my Christmas presents...yay consumerism! :)
cant wait till xmas though... its gonna be my big family packed in one (luckily pretty big) house and cold weather and christmas decorations and lots of fun :P
im leaving for denmark in like 4 days! its insane..
On the Beat 2011 Full Movie
8 years ago
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