My life feels weirdly close to perfect right now, like there is nothing bad about it. how nice, right? :)
It was my birthday this Friday. It felt like a dream the whole time, haha. i think its a while since I've been that happy, and that excited about my birthday! waw. :)
as one of my wonderful presents, my friend Emilia re-did my blog for me. its nice, hey?
about "hey". Down here, in Africa, they say it all the time. Mostly the South Africans, but also the Europeans who wanna be cool. They say other stuff as well, putting on this thick African accent, saying like: exce, ich man, bleh, and all this random stuff. the new big thing is "dry" - like a joke is "so dry". haha. it actually sounds amazing. i especially love the "hey", at the end of each sentence, thats one thing ill miss about it here.
I wonder what else ill miss from here. Defiantly my friends, im wondering if people this amazing exist else where on this planet. But of course they do - my friends in dk are just as amazing, so amazing people must be found everywhere, hey? But ill miss fitting in with them. When we leave this summer, to god knows where, it might take me a while to fit in again, new ppl and all. but oh well, i cant deny it will be exciting at the same time. :D
I have been thinking about it way too much though, where wer gonna go. Mostly, its my first day of school, and the whole first impression thing that i think about. its so exciting, i cant help myself :D. but then it just gets too much. so for the time being, im making myself not think about it. focus on loving Zambia for a while, before I leave.
Its working really well, actually. thats whats making me so happy also, paying more attention to the place im in right now. I for example spent my day making my room nicer, and it turned out amazing, which is really important to me. I have a beautiful room, two huge floor length windows that let in tons of light, and, most importantly, reveal a simply wonderful view of miles and miles of green rain-forest trees. I dried roses and put them on my bed table, took all my lovely (mostly stolen :S) art supplies out to inspire me on my shelves, and piled all my new inspiring books onto my bed table. Resultingly, my room now looks as if it is inhabited by a dreaming artist, all i need still is a self made picture on the wall. im waiting to finish my painting of the wave that fell in love with the cloud/wind (havnt yet decided).
The rest of today i spent reading SKINS. its my very favorite TV series, now published as a book. very amazing :)
okay, ill stop my long post now.. its late at night and i stil have birthday wishes to reply to and stuff, so i better commence with it :)
have a nice time dear reader.
On the Beat 2011 Full Movie
8 years ago
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