its christmas eve, and i need to sleep,,, i mean being tired on christmas is the one day a year that its a bad idea (well, being tired then again never really is,,, depends on the person, i like the way my eyes look when im sleepy:P)
however, im staying up, and dont ask why, cuz i know its stupide. my escuse is that i got a few xmas cards to do, and oh god sooo many great blog entries i need to write! (yay :D)
soo... the christmas tree is looking good, it really helps with the xmas mood, but to me, the thing that really makes the change is seeing all the presents lying underneath it (and along every other flat surface in the living room as well - wer a big present-loving family :P). i just love seeing them all lying there, the big masses and heaps of them piled up, each one of them a unique thing that has been bought and rapped with, its not that: its the feeling of plenty, the space they take up, and it appeals to my greedy side.
talking about my greedy side, im con-fucking-fused. (?!) i mean the heaps of presents still turn me on, but then somehow, another part of my very normal greedyness, known as consumerism, seems basically non-excistent to me. i keep asking my self why people go around buying all these new presents when they got a brilliant set of gifts the previous year, and the year before that. and its not some weird act im putting on, its something that shocks even myself. i cant shop either, cuz im like, well i have a lot of great shirts at home, why buy this one..? (very weird for a teenage girl!)
so now i cant decide, go to bed or make that christmas card, and possibly another blog entry afterwards??
well see ;)
all i have to say is... now that its christmas (and at christmas you tell the truth - quote from very favorite movie and something ive been trying to do a lot of lately - also why im doing all the cards, im too much of a chicken to tell ppl i love them to their face :S) ... that this blog means so much to me, so to whatever being this blog is,,,, i love you :D
On the Beat 2011 Full Movie
8 years ago
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