Sunday, January 31, 2010

Crap i just forgot what i was gonna write..

It was my sisters birthday today, and i wrote her a poem :D
.... and i didnt do my home work... but thats okay, ill just do it later.

and yeaterday i made a little girl out of clay - and she looked kinda sad, so now im gonna go make an angle for her also, tomorrow im hanging them both in my box for my art project thingy.

i had this dream that the northpole became a the new hot turist attraction, and in the dream i wasnt scared of the North Pole, - normally i am though, im terrified of standing exactly on the north (or south) pole, i think some big bird is gonna come snatch me of the planet or something - which links to my second fear - not being on this planet/ ie. being in space... ugh :S

A thinking-about-sex free world.

i think we need to think less about sex, because it is better when you just do it.

... ya, thats my random philosophy of the day :D

actually, in general i think we need to start thinking much less, eccept for when we are in school or something, but i think the less we think the cooler we are. definatly.
... so ... stop thinking folks. :D :DD

oh and i decided all i need for happiness is a thrift store and cold weather. none of which i have her, but oh well, its probably not completely true anyway.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

My internet just randomly opened me to this page... sign that i need to blog more?

Im in the middle of sutting up my prom dress. it was so fluffy, and i wanted it more composed (synomym for de-fluffed), so i just cut of everything that was not composed (removed the fluf ;)... i had been planning to do it forever, and suddenly decided that tonight was the night. dress turned out much better (luckily).

i think i will use all the extra fluff for my art project instead, thats moch more useful.

...and i didnt wear the dress on top of my pj's on purpose - i was just too tired to take them of :).. although i guess it looks ok.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Hands with paint on and thrifting

i realized why i love the current fashion so much lately: it is about actual skill, like going to a thrift store and being able to pick out the good things, and then pare them all together, most other fashions are just about the money - the more expensive the better, but you see there is nothing hard about that - no matter how you pare your designer labels it will still look classy, however, when you pare thrift chlothes, you need to see that fine fine line of what looks good and what looks bad - and you need to decide for yourself what you like. its just amazing :)

i soo wish i could hire somebody to do my blog entries for me, no, even better, that i could just either work incredibly fast, pause time, or never sleep, you see blogging takes time...

oh and i got my phone back!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

"something,something, watermellow, turn this stupide fat rat yellow"

-This is what im doing:

-This is what i forgot:

(i forgot my phone)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

my heart is drenched in wine

-this is the music i have on my mind currently:
Nora Jones

-this is what i do on the computer:

this is what i dont do:
{parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="">

-this is what im doing tonight:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A sleepover, also known as a pajama party or a slumber party is a party most commonly held by children or teenagers, where a guest or guests are invited to stay overnight at the home of a friend.
[edit] Common activities

Typical participant activities include staying up late, talking, eating and playing until falling asleep, which sometimes never happens for a few high energy guests. Sometimes sleepovers involve another activity prior to the actual sleepover. For example, Dinner at a restaurant,Skating, or other scheduled event. Sleepovers are usually held at one participant's house, with other guests sometimes bringing their bedtime things, such as pillows or sleeping bags. Common activities include playing board games or video games, having pillow fights, watching movies, midnight feasts, playing party games such as Truth or Dare?, light as a feather, stiff as a board, and spin the bottle, building forts out of pillows and blankets, or, for girls, having a "spa night", in which girls polish their nails and toes and put on face masks. Sleepovers are practiced by both girls and boys.

-this is what i had planned to be doing tonight:


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A concert is a live performance, usually of music, before an audience. The music may be performed by a single musician, sometimes then called a recital, or by a musical ensemble, such as an orchestra, a choir, or a musical band. Informal names for a concert include "show" and "gig". Concerts are held in a wide variety of settings or venues, including pubs, nightclubs, houses, barns, dedicated concert halls, entertainment centres, large multipurpose buildings, and even sports stadia. A concert held in a very large venue is sometimes called an arena concert. Regardless of the venue, musicians usually perform on a stage. Before the dominance of recorded music, concerts would be the only opportunity one would generally have to hear musicians play.

The duration of concerts vary significantly. For major concerts, it could generally take more than six hours, including support bands.

-this is what im waiting for:

this is what i read:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"And for you i kept my legs spread..."

for some reason i find those lyricks so great, and i dont even know the name of the song...

spent the day on Weardrobe, and omg im so far up there in the sky (/heaven) with joy over the oh goooood so beautiful fashion you find when you check out the weardrober's blogs. like these two girls somewhere in Asia i think, sooo great style! :D and this Chicarog-ian who is pertty cool. as long as you love second hand stuff, i will love you <3 :D

My story's done!!! :D:D:D finally, but my eyelids are like heavy as... i donno, as heavy as something thats fucking heavy, which means im tired. (whimp). so itll be out tomorrow :D

sleep tight xx :D
(wish school was at 1 o'clock in the afternoon at the latest, im severly sleep deprived:( )

Monday, January 18, 2010


i want a bed time again, going to bed when ever you want is so crap because you get to tired its painful. today bedtimes at 10, good girl becca :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Draft.

no, i just decided not to post it. it would take up too much space on my blog, and its still a bit father to go till perfection. oh well ill tell you about my night instead :D
after doing all the normal stuf i do before going to bed (like trying on clothes, brushing your teeth and lounging around the house talking to my mamma and pappa and of course watching a movie (the strongest tradition of all) i decided i should go to bed now. (so i set the alarm clock early so i could do math the next morning S:)

then i suddenly got the crazy idea that i would read harry potter in bed before going to sleep. okay i know this is not totally crazy, but for me, its the first time in sceriously i think mimmimum two years that i have done this (always go to bed to late :S) it was so fun to read about harry and dombeldore (who is such a laugh) and i even got kinda scared of voldemort :O. (exactly like i used to when i was small). i was so amazed by how nice reading in bed was that i kept on reading forever, for so long that i wasnt even tired any longer. i guess i could have tried hearder to sleep when i finally forced my eyes from the pages of the book, but then i remembered my math hw, and i was actually so un-tired that i decided i had the energy to do it. (its due tomorrow anyway)
and after that, my amazing self turned on my computer and finished writing my story (well the first draft of it at least), and as a treat i am now here, on my blog.

ps. i think my little sister Hannah just sleep walked :D cute :D:D:D she just got out of her bed and walked out the room in the middle of the night... i wonder where she is going...

That story i told you about is soooo close to finnished!!! but it turned out it actually wasnt that much of a story but oh anyway, youll still have to read it. and i actually mean have because i told my teacher/supervisor i would use my blog to publish it and get feedback (yah right). (in addition i have to destribute it to classes so they can read it. shit. wish me luck/ free of embarrassment please :D) and ps. i think my teachers are high or something for making me do stuf like this.

Du du du du...

sometimes my life feels like a lullaby. and everything is just peacefull and lovely. and its because i listen to this stuf:

Nora Jones, Ill be thinking of you.

Nora Jones, Sunrise

The soundtrack from Keeping mum

The soundtrack from ehh, i think its The Girl and the Fox, at least thats the danish transliation.

and this stuf is what makes me soo happy inside and like the most amazing music ever, which is so amazing i think i will go in a coma of joy every time i hear it. i have also planned to listen to this in the car to the ari port, leaving zambia for maybe the last time - to cheer me up :D (and you have to see the misic vidio as well because it also makes you go in a coma of joy or just get an orgasm or something:D)

The black Ghosts, Full Moon

and im also really happy because i found out i have FOLLOWERS!!! :D :D

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Quand on ne sait pas qui ecrire comme title, ecrire en francaise.

You know when your kinda sitting at your desk and feeling like you are doing nothing but actually you are because you are eating almonds in a weird way, and looking out the window and thinking that the view is beautiful and watching a movie and reading blogs and writing to friends and looking at pretty girls with pretty clothes (weardrobe and thinking what to write for my blog and about a few other things also. (and you have your math book open in front of you which you are actually also doing :S)

its kinky shit.

a very mean caterpillar just bit my shoulder, right where my bra strap is... so im considering letting my strap hang down all day tomorrow ;)

Monday, January 11, 2010

waw, down here i can walk around in bear feet without being cold. haha:)

The Monday that felt like a Sunday

I arrived in lusaka at 8:30 this morning. tomorrow's school. im slightly drowsy right now, and could scertainly do with a nap. but over the holidays my inner clock has been set to sleeping at the earliest 2 o'clock in the morning, and waking at one o'clock in the afternoon. its been incredible to finnally get to sleep enough, which doesnt happen often in my life. but as you always tell yourself, this year it will be different.

right now, im sitting by my desk in my room. this is nice because:
-my desk is right by the window.
-from my window there is a lovely and breathtaking view of green jungle trees as far into the distance as you can see.
-i finally have my own room after a month in a house with 18 ppl, and before that a month in one room with three people.
-im listening to Nora Jones, so im incredibly calm.
-its still light outside at 5 pm, so my room is full of light.
-my room is almost tidy! :D

Thursday, January 7, 2010

im writing a story right now, and of course it will be on the blog. so.... be excited.


IM sorry im such a bad blogger right now, hers a picture to cheer you all up a bit :D